Справочник Одесса
12 190 вакансий

Компания «Staff Service» в Одессе


In modern economical environment where predominates competitive struggle and rapidly changing rules of play,a guarantee of the stable Company development is effective organization of business processes by means of reduction of operational expenses by saving quality of goods and services. It is one of modern successful business models that allow achievement of real competitive advantages is outsoursing.

Company Staff Service offers for you such products:

outsourcing,staff leasing,



facility managment Outsourcing. Staff Leasing. Under this term we understand the complex of administrative procedures as for employment,maintain,personnel dismissal,disposed for operative management by Outsourcing,with performance of the finance servicing as for calculation,payroll accounting and making salary,bonuses,mission expenses with representation of finance flows and necessary payments expenses in finance accountancy for the Customer. What do you receive from personnel management outsourcing?

You concentrate on the main business goals;

You have an opportunity to re direct internal resources for the other goals;

We payroll and submit accountancy to the supervise authorities;

We bear risks as for personnel management;

Your personnel receive the opportunity to work in the staff;

Fixed sum appropriated for personnel maintains;

All necessary calculations are accomplished by order of the responsible person;

At the end of the period under report (month) the Client receives financing statements and documents,that confirm payments;

Professional responsibility guarantees. Recruiting. HR Consulting. We operate in a highly competitive market where there are many good firms. We attribute our appeal in this marketplace to:

over 3 years of corporate experience

ability to search candidates in any environment across the entire spectrum of commerce and industry

a sound and well-balanced internal structure where search consultants are backed by a highly trained team of researchers,a comprehensive database and a long-established network of sources plus the internet. It is a matter of great pride to us that much of our work consists of repeat business from satisfied clients a testimony in itself to the quality of our services. This is a stable policy in the market that majority of the agencies charge prepayment fee for their services. We have developed and adopted our own policy which excludes prepayment from our customers. Payroll accounting (payroll). It is this type of outsourcing which is the most widely - spread in Europe. This product is closely connected with the personnel management and supplements it. We offer the following services:

Payroll accounting;

Drawing of financing statements of the accrual salaries according to the acting legislation of Ukraine;

Submission of the accountancy to the state destination funds in legislative established terms;

Other kinds of accounting services. Company utilizes modern information technologies for its operation,it provides for high effectiveness and completeness of Client s operations accountability. Administrative economic processes management (estate property,utilities). Company renders services as for normal functioning provision of the Client s estate property subjects,that is,it finds professional and qualified contractors for servicing,maintain,and repair of administrative premises. Staff Service ensures services rendering as for maintenance and servicing:

General heating system

Systems of water supply and canalization

Internal communications (elevators,conditioning systems)

Fire warning system and security alarm system

Main electricity system of the building

It organizes security of the objects and daily clean up of all the areas of general utilization,which belong to the house

Means of communication. Experienced specialists of the Company Staff Service are always ready to offer a number of outsourcing services,which are developed taking into account particularities and performative of the Client s Company,to render necessary assistance,promptly and professionally.

Вакансии «Staff Service» в Одессе:

Опыт работы: от 1 до 3 лет. Совокупный опыт в продажах в иностранных или крупных украинских FMCG компаниях от 3-х лет (опыт работы в категории non-food будет преимуществом) Опыт работы на должности ...

Опыт работы: от 1 до 3 лет. Опыт работы не менее 3х лет на аналогичной должности (желательно non-food или food категории в международной компании); опыт работы на позиции кам (желателен) успешный ... Условия работы: официальное трудоустройство, соблюдение соц. гарантий, предусмотренных кзот; социальный пакет и предоставление инструментов для работы; прозрачная система оплаты труда: ставка + бонус обучение, ...

Опыт работы: от 3 лет. Знание модных тенденций. Опыт работы от 3-х лет в закупках Опыт сотрудничества с фабриками на территории Китая Опыт посещения и отбора коллекция на выставках, показах Знание ...

Разработка эскизов обуви с учетом модных тенденций. Подбор колодок, материалов и фурнитуры. Контроль сроков и качества изготовления образцов. Разработать коллекцию, подготовить образцы обуви под ...

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