TSM (Total Ship Management Experts Co. Ltd.) provides cost effective ship crew management,recruiting,shipbuilding and ship repair solutions to the shipping companies worldwide as well renders wide range of integrated services to seafarers including non-state pension funds & insurance services. The company supplies marine personnel for all types of vessels,including specialists for Oil and Gas industry. Our team has wide experience in supplying Ukrainian and Russian marine personnel for different types of vessels including merchant,cruise and offshore fleets:manning of Jack up & Accommodation/Construction Barges, AHTS/AHT, cable layers, PSV, MRSV, ROV support, DSV, pipe laying and offshore construction vessels, FPSOs,general cargo vessels,containers,bulk carriers, Ro-Ro and passenger vessels,heavy lifts and tankers (chemical,oil product,crude oil). We provide tailor-made services to our clients,focusing on the clients major needs,efficiency and cost-saving policy.